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The new Silverlight Pivot control will be available with the release of Silverlight 4 on 15th April.
It enables you to organize, sort, visualize huge collections of data in a very friendly way.

More details and a demo video at: http://www.getpivot.com/silverlight/


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Big Launch Day

Visual Studio 2010, the .NET Framework 4 and Silverlight 4 are going to be launched in Las Vegas, in about 7 hours.

Follow the link for details: http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/watch-it-live

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HotSpot Wins!!!

Hotspot is our new little winner project, for BEST Timisoara Microsoft Competition (17-26 November 2009).

It is a Windows Azure and Silverlight project designed and developed for this competition.

Currenty at version 1.1, you can find it on Codeplex at hotspot.codeplex.com  and online "on the cloud" at hotspot.cloudapp.net

The competition was judged by: 

  • George Pristavu, Microsoft Romania
  • Mihai Tataran, Microsoft MVP
  • Alin Taranu, Microsoft Timisoara

We were very glad to participate, it was a real challenge (PDC was side by side), and promise to continue working on it, at least to version 2.0.

Have a nice day.


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Parser HTML in web app

HTML Agility Pack (link) este o solutie de pe CodePlex creata in .NET, care permite manipularea fisierelor HTML din aplicatii web.
Contine proiectul propriu-zis de tipul Class library si un folder virtual cu 4 proiecte exemple de utilizare (conversii in XML, TXT si RSS).

Un obiect HTML poate fi obtinut dintr-un TextReader, o cale sau un Stream prin metoda Load (are 11 overload-uri), sau direct din continutul html in format string prin metoda LoadHtml.

//continutul HTML obtinut ca byte array prin WebClient si apoi convertit in string cu ajutorul UTF8Encoding
string contentHTML;
doc = new HtmlDocument

Pentru accesarea unui anumit element din DOM se foloseste XPATH.
nod = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class=align_right]/table[@id]");

De asemenea se pot parcurge noduri din intreaga ierarhie, sau cele direct inrudite Parent, Sibling sau Child sau se pot obtine direct atributele sau continutul lor.

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10 Iulie - lansare Silverlight 3

Silverlight 3 va avea suport 3D, va permite accelerare grafica si, in plus, capabilitati "out-of-the-browser" disponibile in prezent in Adobe AIR.

Asteptam cu nerabdare lansarea.
Mai multe detalii


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