Oana and Arthur | Our dev blog

Box Selection and Multi-Line Editing in VS 2010

Hi everyone, I just read a great post from Scott Guthrie (http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/04/26/box-selection-and-multi-line-editing-with-vs-2010.aspx) and watched the youtube video from Brittany Behrens (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp2WuJ2rEE4&feature=player_embedded#!). 

Check them out & take care,


Categories: Visual Studio
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DotNetPanel becomes open-source project called WebsitePanel

DotNetPanel is now an open-souce project on SourceForge.NET with a new name: WebsitePanel.

I've used DotNetPanel for over a year and I can say it is an excellent solution for online IIS management on a shared server platform. Besides, it has component integration with ftp, exchange, ad, sharepoint, mail servers, blackberry and so on.

You can read more about this release on:




Categories: Web | Windows | IIS | Server
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Visual Studio 2010 C# Key Shortcuts

Hi everyone,

Oana just showed me a list of shortcuts in Visual Studio 2010 which I have attached to this blogpost. Just check them out, I am convinced you will find some interesting combinations in there.

Take care, Arthur

VS2010CSharp.pdf (1.40 mb)

Categories: Visual Studio | C#
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IntelliSense even smarter in Visual Studio 2010

Visual Studio 2010 offers a variety of new features, one of them I am particularly fond of is the extended IntelliSense. IntelliSense is pretty much as good as it gets in Visual Studio 2008 but Visual Studio 2010 pushes things a bit further.

There are two really neat new features in IntelliSense, the first one is the Pascal capital letter recognition which means that if you would like to find, let's say, the IsPostBack page property you can type IPB and you get a list of members with those three capital letters in their name. The second feature is the Camel case recognition which means that if you search for a key word let's say, Post, you will get all the members that have the word Post in their name

Take a look at the two screenshots below:

Pascal capital letter recognition



Camel case

Categories: Visual Studio
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The new Silverlight Pivot control will be available with the release of Silverlight 4 on 15th April.
It enables you to organize, sort, visualize huge collections of data in a very friendly way.

More details and a demo video at: http://www.getpivot.com/silverlight/


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Categories: Silverlight
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